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Benefits of Buying Alejandro Chaban’s Nutritional Guide

By Alejandro Chaban December 12, 2023

Every day, there is more information on the internet and in the media (or even among our friends and acquaintances!) about the most effective ways to lose weight. From the best exercise routines to diets with faster results, everyone has something to say. Although the intentions might be good, following unsupported professional recommendations in training, nutrition, and fitness could lead to serious problems.

A set of assorted foods displayed on a table with which you could prepare some of the healthy recipes in the Yes You Can! nutrition guide.

That’s why Alejandro Chaban, founder of Yes You Can!, certified nutritionist, and bestselling author, has created a professional nutrition guide focused on your needs and preferences. We invite you to discover the benefits of the Yes You Can! nutrition guide and how to get it.

Nutrition and the Yes You Can! Program

Yes You Can! is a comprehensive program for improving our physical condition and losing weight. What sets our program apart from many others is that it is based on Alejandro Chaban’s experience in improving his health and appearance. That’s why the Yes You Can! philosophy is built on four pillars that center around taking care of your health:

  • Healthy nutrition and supplements
  • Hydration and rest
  • Energy and movement
  • A success mindset

Losing weight shouldn’t be an effort that jeopardizes your health or a temporary change with results that fade away in a few weeks. That’s why Alejandro Chaban incorporates all aspects of your life into his program, and good nutrition is one of these fundamental factors. Below, we discuss the importance of good nutrition for your health and some basic concepts to understand how nutrients work in our bodies. You can find more information about this in the Yes You Can! nutrition guide that we will be talking about in the next sections.

Importance of Good Nutrition for Your Health

Eating in a balanced and healthy way is not just a matter that affects our weight and how we look. According to the World Health Organization, a healthy diet protects us from chronic diseases like heart conditions, diabetes, and cancer.

Furthermore, a balanced diet allows us to face our daily activities full of energy. To change our habits and improve our health, it’s necessary to have the boost provided by healthy meals.

Basics of a Balanced Diet

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, low in fats, salt, and sugar, combined with constant physical activity and avoiding tobacco, is the best recommendation to stay healthy. The World Health Organization recommends consuming a variety of foods, including the following four categories:

  • Staples like cereals or starchy tubers or roots
  • Legumes
  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Foods from animal sources

In the Yes You Can! nutrition guide you can find recipes that include these foods in a varied and delicious way so that you can take advantage of their full potential since within these food groups two types of nutrients are necessary for the proper functioning of our body: macronutrients and micronutrients. Let’s see what they are and what they are used for.

Macro and Micronutrients, What Are They?

According to The National Library of Medicine, in nutrition science, experts distinguish two main classes of nutrients: macronutrients, and micronutrients. We obtain all of them naturally from our foods; their difference lies in the quantities we consume each.


Macronutrients are substances found in high amounts in foods and are consumed by humans in greater quantities. They are the main components of tissues, responsible for the caloric content of foods, and our primary energy source. They are divided into the following groups:

  • Proteins
  • Fats
  • Carbohydrates


Micronutrients, on the other hand, are substances that provide almost no caloric content but are vital for certain functions of our bodies, even though they are required in much smaller quantities. This group mainly consists of:

  • Vitamins
  • Minerals

In addition to the foods you consume, you can also reach the recommended amounts of these nutrients through dietary supplements such as the Yes You Can! Multivitamin, which you can find in our online store.

Benefits of Acquiring the Yes You Can! Nutrition Guide

  • It will help you implement the 2+2+1 program
  • It will be your number-one ally on your weight loss journey
  • You will have the confidence that you are reading quality material

Implementing the 2+2+1 Formula

The 2+2+1 formula is one of the tools that the Yes You Can! program provides to help you achieve your weight loss goals. The idea is to organize your meals five times daily to make your metabolism work faster and more efficiently.

In the Yes You Can! nutrition guide, you will find menu suggestions and meal organization to follow the 2+2+1 formula without sacrificing taste or nutrients.

Your Number One Ally on Your Weight Loss Journey

Thanks to the information in the guide, you will not only know how to implement Yes You Can! tools in your life, but you will also gain general helpful information to improve your eating habits. These changes in your way of thinking and eating are the things that make a permanent difference. With the Yes You Can! nutrition guide, we aim not only to give you a momentary boost to lose weight, but also a true ally to achieve a better lifestyle.

Confidence That You Are Reading Quality Material

Alejandro Chaban is a certified nutritionist who dedicated a significant part of his life to researching the best methods for weight loss. His findings are based on experience, so he has firsthand evidence of the results. Thanks to this, you can be sure you are receiving effective and carefully crafted material with truly relevant content.

In addition to the Yes You Can! nutrition guide, in the online store, you can find other e-books on topics such as healthy recipes, exercise plans, and diets to combat specific issues like cellulite, among many others.

Having reliable information and a permanent guide on our journey to a healthier life is vital to achieving our goals. The Yes You Can! nutrition guide is just one of the resources that Alejandro Chaban offers to accompany you on this great transformation adventure. Explore the online store to discover all the tools you have to start your journey.

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All-in-One Kit

The All-in-One Kit, was made for a successful transformation journey. Along with our clinically proven nutrition guide, it was designed by physicians, dietitians, and scientists to help you feel full while learning the healthy habits of enjoying five smaller meals each day.

This special bundle includes the7-Day Detox Plus Kitand theTransformation Plus Kit, so you get the complete package that has helped thousands of people transform their lives at an unbeatable price!